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Oolong Ginseng Tea is made from the finest young leaves of Oolong tea, specifically Oolong No.17, which undergo a meticulous process of withering and fermentation. These delicate leaves are then expertly blended with finely ground ginseng powder. The resulting Oolong Ginseng Tea is an easy-to-drink infusion, naturally sweet and soothing to the palate, with a captivating aroma of ginseng. When brewed, the tea exhibits a beautiful golden hue, enticing you to savor every sip.

Ginseng Oolong Tea

  • Oolong Ginseng Tea is well-suited for health-conscious individuals seeking to enhance their well-being naturally. It helps in maintaining a healthy physique and promoting a radiant appearance. This invigorating blend is particularly beneficial for those facing daily stress from demanding work or study routines, as well as individuals aspiring to reduce cholesterol levels and body fat. Embrace this revitalizing tea to support your overall health and well-being.


    Amount of tea: 2-3 Teaspoon

    Water Temperature: 185°F - 203°F ( 85°C- 95°C)

    Infusion Time : 3 Minutes

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